Take a tour from Yellowstone zone, taking off from the nearest airport (where this plane can take off) - Gardiner - of the Missouri River origins, to its delta at Gulf of Mexico.

Visit all the course of the river, passing by yellowstone park, several dams and lakes, to its confluence with the Mississippi River, and then, following this one to open sea, a few miles from New Orleans.

This time there's no adventure component. Just watch the beautiful views. Some (few) waypoints have no description as they are intended only to guide you through the course of the river. I hope you enjoy the Bush Trip.

No extra addons needed.

I tested all the legs and found no issues. However if you find any, please let me know.

Thanks to Buffy GC and Alexander Barthel for the great tools Biushtrip Injector and Little Navmap.

Feel free to ask me for any bushtrip you'd like to see here and you think that could be interesting for the community.